Robert Coombes (Bob), G3ZNH – 10 May 2024

| June 24, 2024

Bob passed away on 10 May 2024 at home after being poorly for a number of years.

When we moved to Whitsbury, he had so many plans for his new Shack but unfortunately his health would not allow him to fulfil the challenges of transmitting from such a low spot.

Bob was quietly proud of his achievements in the World of Amateur radio.

Being a member of RSGB for over 50yrs, Worked all Britain President, Volunteering to demonstrate Amateur radio at Bletchley park even though it meant over a 200 mile trip to achieve. We even attended the 100th Anniversary there.

All the competitions and conversations he’s had with other enthusiasts the world over excited him. Being a member of several Amateur radio clubs and being with all those like minded souls was something he loved.

Radio in any form was his life blood.  He loved everything about that form of communication.

A young lad once knocked on our door when we lived in Warminster and asked if the Antennas in the garden meant Bob was an amateur enthusiast. Bob was so keen to encourage him to take a foundation course. Last I heard he’s joined a club to learn more. Bob would be so pleased.

For G3ZNH to be silenced is a very sad thing to happen. The world of Amateur radio will be a lot quieter without him in this neck of the woods.

Susan Coombes (Bob’s wife)

Category: Silent Keys