ESC annual report and key messages

| June 28, 2024

The Examinations Standards Committee (ESC) has published its annual report, relating to activities in 2023.

Key messages arising from the report:

  • Whilst in 2023 there were fewer candidates across all licence levels, the number of people taking exams so far in 2024 has increased significantly
  • Preparations are being made to release the bank of questions for the Full licence exam. It has long been recognised that a review of the question bank, particularly at Full level, is well overdue and has been delayed multiple times by things such as the need to revise the syllabus for EMF and the new licence changes. Reviewing the question bank is the next priority of the ESC and the Exams and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) and will begin on 1 September 2024 when Syllabus 1.6 is up and running. The ESC/ESRG believe it is better that this review is conducted before the bank is published as this should reduce the workload on the community and the exams teams in making and responding to queries on questions that may be withdrawn. They are hoping to release the questions in January 2025



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