July 2024 – Strategic priorities update

| June 17, 2024

Moving forward with Growth

Board and senior team members stood outside in the sunshine

The Board recently spent an afternoon visiting RSGB Headquarters, meeting staff and gaining a more detailed understanding of the work of this professional team. Later that day, the Board received training from members of the senior staff team about their specialist areas.

During its meeting the following day, the Board decided to continue with its chosen four strategic priorities until the 2025 AGM. To make further progress with the recent Growth workshop outcomes, the Board allocated a member of its team to champion each of the seven workstreams. Each workstream champion will now: create a volunteer team; prioritise work tasks; set measurable objectives; define what success looks like; list deliverables; and establish reporting mechanisms and frequency. We will report on progress over the coming months.

Strategy in Action

Change and adapt activity ideas needed for British Science Week 2025

British Science Week (BSW) is an annual event run by the British Science Association celebrating science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM). It provides a platform to support teachers, STEM professionals and the public in delivering STEM activities across the UK.

The event, taking place from 7-16 March 2025, will have the theme ‘Change and adapt’, which lends itself perfectly to amateur radio in the 21st century. Never has the pace of change been greater in our hobby, and we are looking for ideas for activities that can harness this and allow us to inspire others and grow the hobby.

An outreach opportunity

British Science Week offers the opportunity to submit activity ideas to go in the national packs for schools and communities. We aim to submit amateur radio ideas for those packs to show how relevant amateur radio is to the STEM curriculum and how much fun it is for anyone to get involved!

Can you help?

As a Society we’re working on ideas for activities for use in primary and secondary schools as well as community settings. Ideas could cover any area of amateur radio, from construction to propagation, or from making QSOs under supervision to space and satellites.

Can you think of a great amateur radio activity on the theme of change and adapt? We’d love to hear from you.

As well as submitting a range for the BSW national packs, we’ll host all ideas on our website so radio amateurs can use them to get involved in their local schools and communities.

Please send ideas to the RSGB British Science Week Coordinator Ian Neal, M0KEO at bsw@rsgb.org.uk

Looking for inspiration?

See rsgb.org/bsw and britishscienceweek.org for last year’s activities and more information about this year’s theme.


National Coding Week Coordinator – could this be you?

National Coding Week returns in September for its 10th year and the RSGB will be taking part again. Coding – or programming as it used to be called – is used in a range of amateur radio activities. This year we’d like to develop our activities by appointing a National Coding Week Coordinator.

This year’s theme

National Coding Week runs from 18 September with AI as the theme. The idea is to look at the benefits, concerns, and wider implications of AI, and of course, to encourage coding!

AI has emerged as major force in our current world. As radio amateurs we are traditionally at the forefront of new technology and AI should be something we are looking to, not as a threat, but as something that can enhance and augment our hobby.

Examples might be: incorporating AI in amateur radio to enhance signal processing; utilising AI algorithms to improve reception quality and reduce interference; assisting in identifying weak signals and optimising antenna
placement for better communication.

How you can help

We are looking for a volunteer to coordinate our National Coding Week activities this year. Could you encourage people, help them with their ideas and work with HQ teams to publicise and support activities?

Can you think of any other ways that AI and amateur radio can marry together? What AI-related projects can we use to inspire others into the hobby?

1. If you’d like to know more about the role of an event coordinator, please email the RSGB British Science Week Coordinator Ian Neal, M0KEO at bsw@rsgb.org.uk

2. If you have ideas for National Coding Week or would like to volunteer to be the RSGB’s National Coding Week Coordinator, contact us using the strategy email below and one of us will be happy to have a chat with you.


Mark Jones, G0MGX and Ben Lloyd, GW4BML

Board Directors


Category: RSGB Notices, RSGB Strategic Priorities