Volunteer for Regional Team vacancies

| September 6, 2024

The RSGB has 13 regions, each covered by a Regional Representative and a team of District Representatives.

This volunteer team is an important link to clubs, and a potential source of support and information for individual radio amateurs.

There are several vacancies in the Regional Team and this month we’re highlighting two regions.

In Region 5, there is an opportunity to volunteer as a District Representative covering Gloucestershire, Hereford and South Worcestershire.

There are also two vacancies in Region 13 for District Representatives to cover Leicestershire and Rutland, and also North Lincolnshire.

If you’re interested in supporting local radio amateurs and clubs in those areas, please contact the appropriate Regional Representative.

You can find their details by going to the Regions and Regional Team page on our website, and clicking on the region in which you live.

If you live in another region and would like to get involved, you’ll see all the vacancies on our volunteers web page at rsgb.org/volunteers.

Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines, RSGB Notices