Also in GB2RS this week…

| July 28, 2017

A vacancy has arisen for a Deputy Regional Manager in District 132, which is the South Nottinghamshire South Derbyshire area of Region 13. If you are an RSGB Member who resides in or around that area and are interested in finding out more about this role, please contact the Regional Manager, Jim, G0EJQ by email to

The end of the Early Bird discount for bookings at the RSGB’s Convention is fast approaching. The deadline is 18 August 2017 and the event takes place 13 to 15 October 2017. The provisional programme is now available on the website—visit for all the latest information.

The 2017 Annual General Meeting of the UK Six Metre Group will be held at 10am on 5 August 2017. It takes place in conjunction with the G3WOS 50MHz barbecue in Farnborough, Hampshire. For full details of the barbecue part of the day visit

Chertsey Radio Club is raising money to help purchase a simple UK Business Radio licence for The National Autistic Society. For full details of how they are doing this, go to where you will also find details of how and why the Business Radio licence will be useful.

The Polar Prince has been making its way northward along the Labrador Coast visiting communities and places of interest. It is interesting to access the live camera feed to observe the coastline at While daytime propagation at this time is limited, the CG3EXP beacon receptions are being uploaded by the receiving stations at a rate of up to 800 in a 12 hour period. Some of these stations have requested QSL cards and TCA columnist Robert Mazur, VA3ROM, has volunteered to be the CG3EXP eQSL Manager. eQSL cards are available via the online eQSL service or on request via direct email sent to To join the stations that are using WSPR to track the Canada C3 Expedition in the remaining 95 days of the voyage, you only need a standard SSB HF receiver, an inexpensive USB sound adapter and a PC running WSPR 2.0 software. You can download the software free from

Category: GB2RS Headlines