RSGB Construction Competition

| September 13, 2013

A reminder to constructors, designers and programmers that the closing date of the end of September for registering an entry for the RSGB Construction Competition, is fast approaching. Entries don’t have to be complex or innovative, and help will be available to write up your project if it is selected for publication in RadCom.  We have a great panel of judges – Eben Upton (Raspberry PI Foundation), Joe Taylor, K1JT, Olof Lundberg, G0CKV and Steve Hartley, G0FUW. In part, the competition is all about recognising that a unique aspect of amateur radio is our freedom to innovate and to use home-constructed equipment on the amateur bands. Let us celebrate this with this once in a Century competition!  Please note that entries from groups as well as individuals are welcome. Full details can be found at

Category: GB2RS Headlines