Emergency Communications Committee Chairman
Charlie Morrison GI4FUE has recently stood down from the post of chairman of the Emergency Communications Committee. The Board would like to record its thanks to Charlie for all his past works in promoting emergency communications on behalf of the Society.
The Emergency Communications Committee is tasked with raising the profile of RSGB Raynet, fostering closer links with the Radio Amateurs Emergency Network (RAEN), user services, the wider amateur radio community and is now looking for a candidate to Chair the Committee. The successful candidate will be actively involved in emergency communication and must be affiliated to a RSGB Raynet or joint affiliated RAEN/RSGB Raynet group.
If you wish to discuss this key position please contact Len Paget GM0ONX on 01563 534383 (evenings) or at gm0onx@rsgb.org.uk
Category: Portal News