RSGB General Manager

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RSGB General Manager's Latest Posts

Emergency Communications Committee Chairman

Emergency Communications Committee Chairman

| April 28, 2014

Charlie Morrison GI4FUE has recently stood down from the post of chairman of the Emergency Communications Committee. The Board would like to record its thanks to Charlie for all his past works in promoting emergency communications on behalf of the Society. The Emergency Communications Committee is tasked with raising the profile of RSGB Raynet, fostering […]

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STELAR grants available for Educational Computing

STELAR grants available for Educational Computing

| April 17, 2014

The education and science charity STELAR has been active in promoting radiocommunications in schools and colleges for over 20 years. The phenomenal success of the Raspberry Pi computer has opened up new opportunities and stimulated demand for educational projects linking communications systems, via computers. STELAR is seeking to support the very best of those ideas […]

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Welcome to New RSGB Regional Managers

Welcome to New RSGB Regional Managers

| April 17, 2014

Following the AGM on 12 April, the RSGB would like to welcome the new Regional Managers for Regions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12. They take up their posts immediately and details of their names and contact details can be found on the RSGB website at The RSGB Board would also like […]

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Longer Opening Hours at the National Radio Centre

Longer Opening Hours at the National Radio Centre

| April 17, 2014

The RSGB is pleased to announce longer opening at the National Radio Centre based at Bletchley Park near Milton Keynes. The NRC is a showcase for radio communications technology provides the opportunity to get ‘up close and personal’ with the history and technology of radio communications. It is now open Wednesday to Sunday from 11am […]

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Important Update:  5 MHz Band

Important Update: 5 MHz Band

| April 8, 2014

Users of the 5 MHz frequencies will know that this portion of spectrum is allocated (by NoV only) for amateur use on a secondary basis, available on the basis of non-interference to other services inside the UK.  Ofcom have indicated that, during the coming days, there may be temporary increased usage of the band by the […]

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Release of spectrum within the frequency ranges 143 MHz to 169 MHz

Release of spectrum within the frequency ranges 143 MHz to 169 MHz

| March 24, 2014

Ofcom have today published a consultation paper that makes proposals for the release of VHF Spectrum. Details of how the Society will formulate its response will follow later in the week.

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Centenary Award and Challenge Winners

Centenary Award and Challenge Winners

| February 12, 2014

The Centenary Award and Centenary Challenge were created to stimulate operating throughout the Centenary year and introduce amateurs to some of the RSGB operating awards. Particular congratulations go to the winners of the special Commemorative Plaques that will awarded, at the AGM, to those who achieved the highest overall scores in the Centenary Award submitted […]

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RSGB Facebook Group

RSGB Facebook Group

| January 3, 2014

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Tim Hughes G3GVV SK

Tim Hughes G3GVV SK

| December 16, 2013

The Society has been notified that Tim Hughes G3GVV passed away peacefully on 13th December at the age of 95. Tim served on the RSGB Council in the late 1960s. He was RSGB President in 1972 and worked tirelessly in international affairs for the RSGB, attending a number of IARU and ITU conferences. He became Secretary […]

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Chorley and District Amateur Radio Society on the BBC

Chorley and District Amateur Radio Society on the BBC

| November 13, 2013

The BBC website today carries a report and video of Chorley and District Amateur Radio Society’s Castles and Stately Homes On The Air (CASHOTA)” event at Astley Hall, a Grade I listed house in Lancashire.

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