Contest News – 21 May 2023

| May 19, 2023

Today, the 21 May, the 1st 144MHz Backpackers Contest runs from 1100 to 1500UTC. Using all modes on the 2m band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. UK and Crown Dependency stations also send the first two letters of their postcode. Today, the 21 May, the 144MHz May Contest ends its 24-hour […]

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Propagation News – 21 May 2023

| May 19, 2023

After last week’s NOAA prediction that we would have settled geomagnetic conditions all week, it seems they were right! The Kp index never got above three – a miracle given the recent disruption due to coronal mass ejections and coronal holes. The proton flux from the Sun has declined as well. However, an M9 solar […]

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Harold Kramer, WJ1B, former ARRL COO operates GB3RS

| May 19, 2023

We were delighted to welcome former ARRL Chief Operating Officer, Harold Kramer, WJ1B and his wife Karen to the RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park this week. Harold took the opportunity to operate GB3RS to contact ARRL W1AW during his visit.

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National Radio Centre Coronation celebrations

| May 18, 2023
National Radio Centre Coronation celebrations

Over the Coronation weekend, the RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) at Bletchley Park ran a special event station, call sign GB2DAY. Running SSB on the 40m band, to give maximum opportunity for everyone to make a contact, over 500 stations were worked. There was a continuous pile-up of stations calling in from around the UK, […]

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BBC Two programme secrets revealed

| May 18, 2023

Last year, the RSGB was approached by the BBC to find experts to contribute to its planned series ‘The Secret Genius of Modern Life’. For episode one, which takes a look at the bank card, Neil Smith, G4DBN re-created the Great Seal Bug – a wooden seal, gifted to the US embassy in Moscow in […]

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Board Director Co-option

| May 16, 2023

The RSGB Board has made the following announcement: Under the Article 32 a co-opted Director must retire at the AGM following their co-option. Ian Shepherd, G4EVK had been co-opted prior to the 2023 AGM and so would normally have had to retire from the Board. The Articles provide that “in exceptional circumstances, to fulfil a […]

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