UK Spectrum Strategy

| July 6, 2015

In March 2014, the Prime Minister, David Cameron announced the UK Spectrum Strategy

The Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has subsequently given significant prominence to the industry-led UK Spectrum Policy Forum (UKSPF) which techUK is facilitating.

The Forum has been established as a sounding board to Government and Ofcom on future approaches on spectrum with a view to maximising the social and economic value from the spectrum.

The Prime Minister has stated the ambition to double “the economic benefits of spectrum to UK companies and consumers from roughly £50 billion today, to £100 billion in 2025”.

The UK Spectrum Policy Forum, open to all users of spectrum, is the main vehicle for harnessing user insights and informing these policy decisions.

On 30 June, Graham Murchie, RSGB Chairman and Murray Niman, Chairman of the RSGB Spectrum Forum presented to the UKSPF the case for amateur radio.

The presentation can be found at

The UKSPF will be completing a report that will go to DCMS later in 2015 and this will include the benefits of amateur radio.

The Forum recognises that, almost by definition, amateur radio is not focussed on economic gain but the social benefits are significant.

This is an excellent example of how the RSGB works ‘behind the scenes’ to help ensure the future of amateur radio.

Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines, RSGB Notices