DX News – 26 November 2023

| November 24, 2023

Tom, VK2WN will be active as AX37EUDXF until the 30 November to celebrate the 37th anniversary of the European DX Foundation. QSL via Logbook of the World, eQSL or Club Log’s OQRS. He does not use the bureau. Take, JI3DST will be active from the Miyako Islands, AS-079, until the 19 December. He will be operating […]

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Contest News – 26 November 2023

| November 24, 2023

The CQ World Wide DX CW Contest started at 0000UTC on Saturday 25 November. It ends at 2359UTC today, Sunday 26 November. Using CW on the 160 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and CQ zone. The UK is in zone 14. On Monday 27 November, the RSGB FT4 […]

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Propagation News – 26 November 2023

| November 24, 2023

What a difference a week makes! Last week the solar flux index was at 118 but, by Thursday the 23 November, it had climbed up to 190 with the Sun’s surface covered in spots with up to nine groups showing. The maximum useable frequency over a 3,000km path was estimated at more than 40MHz at […]

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The World Radio Conference (WRC-23)

| November 17, 2023

The World Radio Conference (WRC-23) opens on Monday, 20 November 2023. Over the coming four weeks a wide variety of agenda items will be considered, of which the 23cm band is a high priority item for amateur radio. IARU volunteers have worked hard over the past four years in preparation, and the RSGB will be […]

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VHF Contest Committee survey

| November 17, 2023

Following a really productive contest forum at the RSGB Convention, and a number of suggestions generated by the committee or raised in discussions with contesters, the VHF Contest Committee would like feedback to help finalise the VHF contest rules for next year. The survey doesn’t have many questions so it shouldn’t take more than a […]

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Amateur radio in schools Convention presentation

| November 17, 2023

As part of its commitment to outreach and the growth of amateur radio, the RSGB has released a presentation from its 2023 Convention, called Taking Amateur Radio into Schools. Lyall Smith, GM4XID; Chris Leviston, M0KPW; and Simon Harris, G4WQG, share their experiences of inspiring school pupils to explore and have fun with amateur radio. Lyall […]

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