Contest News – 24 December 2023

| December 22, 2023

On Tuesday the 26 December, the 50MHz Christmas Contest will take place between 1400 and 1600UTC. Using all modes on the 6m band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. Also on Tuesday the 26 December, the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club Christmas Contest runs from 0830 to 1100UTC. Using CW and SSB on […]

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Propagation News – 24 December 2023

| December 22, 2023

We filed last week’s GB2RS propagation report and, shortly after, we had the biggest X-ray solar flare event this cycle! This just shows how hard it is to predict solar activity and why long-term HF predictions are problematic. Anyway, back to the solar flare which occurred at 1702UTC on the 14 December. This was an […]

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Ofcom consultation statement

| December 15, 2023

Earlier this week, Ofcom released a document titled “Updating the amateur radio licensing framework”. The document states that amateur radio licences will be changing in 2024 and provides details of the changes that are planned. These include adjustments to the overall licensing framework and rules in a number of areas including call signs, technical parameters, […]

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YOTA Month latest

| December 15, 2023

Youngsters on the Air month is well underway with some great activity from a range of schools, universities and radio societies. If you’d like to get involved, you can listen out for special call sign GB23YOTA and make these young operators feel welcome on the air. On Sunday 17 December, the call sign is being […]

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WRC 23 draws to a close

| December 15, 2023

Following four weeks of deliberations, the 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference concluded in Dubai on Friday 15 December with the signing of the ‘Provisional Final Acts’ and a closing ceremony. The numerous changes don’t formally take effect until 1 January 2025 and preparations are already underway to agree the agenda for future WRC events. The RSGB’s special focus […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| December 15, 2023

The UK Meteor Beacon project is now in its second phase, and both phases have been supported by the RSGB Legacy Fund. At the RSGB 2023 Convention, Brian Coleman, G4NNS outlined the plan for the second phase. A network of receivers will be developed, streaming their data via a central server for detailed study of […]

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