Archive for 2023

News for Scotland –23 July 2023

| July 21, 2023

The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Go to their website for the meeting link. Ham Radio Network has a talk on the theme of An Evening with… on Monday. See the website for […]

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News for England South-East – 23 July 2023

| July 21, 2023

On Sunday 30 July a group of radio enthusiasts is meeting at Willesborough Windmill from 10am to 4pm. The location is very close to M20 Junction 10 and entrance is free. Towards the end of the event, at around 2.30pm, the group will invite potentially interested folk to meet with members of the Kent Repeater […]

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News for England South-West – 23 July 2023

| July 21, 2023

On the first and third Saturdays of the month, the Online Amateur Radio Community holds a virtual social night called ‘The Rubber Duck’ on Zoom. For more information, see The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of […]

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News for Wales – 23 July 2023

| July 21, 2023

On the first and third Saturdays of the month, the Online Amateur Radio Community holds a virtual social night called ‘The Rubber Duck’ on Zoom. For more information, see The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of […]

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Additional mock exam papers released

| July 18, 2023

The RSGB Examinations and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) has provided an additional set of four mock exam papers. These cover Foundation, Intermediate, Full and Direct to Full exams. You can find the papers on the RSGB website

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GB2RS News Script for 16 July 2023

| July 14, 2023

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 16 July 2023 (24-page/511KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link

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