Portal News
IOTA 50th Anniversary celebration next month
The RSGB’s IOTA programme is celebrating its 50th anniversary at a conference at Beaumont House, Windsor on 4 to 6 July
Swiss 5MHz beacon goes on the air
Although the 60m band has not been released for amateur radio in Switzerland, the Sursee Amateur Radio Club has obtained the necessary authorisations for a 5MHz experimental beacon project
RSGB AGM 2014 recording
A recording of this year’s RSGB AGM, held in Manchester on 12 April 2014, is now available for RSGB members to listen to and download
Instructors’ Newsletter May 2014
The May 2014 edition of the Instructors’ Newsletter is now available to read and download on the RSGB website.
Contest Committee proposes rule changes
As part of an initiative to consult with the contesting community over topics of mutual interest, the Contest Committee has published a white paper containing 18 proposals and suggestions for changes to the RSGB contest rules for 2015
Cuban amateurs get 5MHz endorsement
Cuba’s Ministry of Communications has begun issuing licence endorsements for experimental operation on 60 metres, although use of the band is on a secondary basis. Its principal use will be during emergencies
Worked ALL bands speaker for Technical Dinner
The RSGB is pleased to announce that the Technical Dinner speaker at the RSGB Convention in October will be Brian Justin, WA1ZMS.