rsgb's Latest Posts
AM nets to mark D-Day landings
On Friday June 6, to mark the 70th anniversary of the Allied D-Day landings in Normandy, the Vintage and Military Amateur Radio Society are organising amplitude modulation radio nets on 80m, 60m and 40m for operators of vintage military wireless sets that would have been in use at that time
Horizon balloon chosen to promote maths and science
The UK Department for Education has selected the Horizon balloon project to feature in the department’s Yourlife campaign to promote studies in math and science
New training resources list on RSGB website
The RSGB website now has a new webpage designed to provide a comprehensive list of useful training resources for both trainers and students
Two amateurs to activate 27 Scottish Islands
Alex, G0DHZ, will team up with Andre, GM3VLB to spend three weeks activating Scottish Islands
Ofcom puts interactive RF spectrum map online
Ofcom’s interactive RF spectrum map is an easy way to browse and search how different spectrum bands are used in the United Kingdom.
RCF Quality Manager
The Radio Communications Foundation (RCF) has announced that, with effect from 1 May 2014, Dave Wilson, M0OBW is appointed RCE Quality Manager of the RCF on an interim basis, pending recruitment actions to fill this volunteer role. He succeeds Jeff Smith, to whom the Trustees express their gratitude for his contribution to the role over […]
KickSat deployed – stand by for Sprites
The Kickstarter-funded KickSat satellite is safely in orbit after its deployment on 17 April
TX-Factor to podcast GB2RS
The popular new video streaming show TX-Factor is to begin podcasting GB2RS News on a weekly basis, starting with this edition
3,100 miles on 472kHz for ZL1BPU
472kHz signals from Murray Greenman, ZL1BPU have been heard at a range of over 3,100 miles. Dereck Zeck, VK6DZ logged the transmissions in Elleker, western Australia. Activity on 630m is quite common between New Zealand and Australia, although generally over shorter paths.