Amateur radio: a family hobby

| September 25, 2024

Glyn Wilson, M7GYD pictured with family

In August 2024, three generations of the Wilson family became licensed radio amateurs, after they all took their Foundation exams within two days of one another. Their aim was to introduce a different way to stay connected, as well as pick up a new hobby that they can all enjoy.

The three generations, all based in Suffolk, include Glyn Wilson, M7GYD, his son Sean Wilson, M7GYE and Sean’s son Exley, M7WEJ who is ten.

The suggestion to become radio amateurs first came from Exley who, having already piqued his dad’s interest, suggested it to his Grandad as a way for them to all have a bit of fun. Sean then funded the exam fees as a Christmas present to them all, along with the purchase of a Baofeng BF-F8 plus radio.

Since passing their exams, they each have slightly different areas of the hobby that they are now focusing their interest on. Glyn is interested in making international contacts, whilst Sean wants to try his hand at a mobile setup to see what can be achieved whilst portable. Exley, on the other hand, would like to give Morse a go, as well as developing his experience making local and international contacts.

The trio are also looking forward to becoming RSGB members and taking advantage of the membership benefit of free entry to Bletchley Park and the RSGB National Radio Centre. It would be the family’s first visit to the Centre and they look forward to seeing GB3RS in operation, and perhaps even making a QSO.

Whilst they may be new to amateur radio, they all already know at least one person who enjoys the hobby who can help them along the way. They are also taking the time to research which equipment will be right for them to progress towards their respective interests.

Category: Student stories