RSGB Callseeker 2025

| September 25, 2024

With over 103,000 UK callsigns and far more are included from across Europe the Callseeker Plus 2025 is far more that an electronic version of the RSGB Yearbook 2025.

Callseeker Plus is simple to use and takes up no computer hard disc space as it runs straight from the CD or memory stick. You can search by callsign, name or location and navigating through the search results is quick and easy. You can print the results in a variety of formats including straight to an address label. Callseeker Plus doesn’t stop here either and you also get a host of “extras” from across Europe, including the RSGB Yearbook 2025 reference/information pages in an easily searchable PDF format providing the very latest amateur radio information from the UK and around the World.

Two formats – one price
The Callseeker Plus 2025 is available as either a traditional CD ROM or an USB Memory Stick version. The CD is in the full jewel case whilst the memory stick is encased an Eco bamboo shell. Both are highly portable and easy to use and provide a great alternative to the traditional RSGB Yearbook.

CD ROM ISBN: 9781913995614
USB Memory Stick: ISBN: 9781913995621

Click cover picture to buy this online.

Corrections and updates
We are currently shipping a 2025 edition of this product and this has the reported corrections or updates below.

Errata to this printing
The callsign section of these products have a relatively small number of partially incorrect records (around 0.3% of the records are affected).

There is a PDF errata document detailing these errors, along with a statement from Ofcom which can be found here.

Reporting errors in books

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Category: Books Extra