The Future of RAYNET

| October 2, 2015

The RSGB and the Radio Amateurs Emergency Network (RAEN) formed a Joint Working Group (JWG) in 2014 to “facilitate a closer working relationship between the two organisations and to explore ways in which RAYNET could become a single unified body”.

As part of that process the JWG asked all RAYNET members to voice their thoughts and concerns on the future direction for RAYNET in the UK. Many members commented through the dedicated email address and further responses are still welcome.The JWG acknowledged all submissions and has responded to each where appropriate.

The vast majority of responses support a move to one organisation in the UK concentrating on emergency communications. The JWG are working hard to rectify the past several years of friction between the two groups that provide such a valuable service to the community.

The JWG has met twice in 2015 and is working to formulate a future vision of the organisation that takes into account the needs of RAYNET and the opinions of its members.

The RSGB JWG representatives have examined the structure and operation of The Network in detail and consider that this provides a sound organisational basis for RAYNET as a whole. However, some restructuring of the Network and changes to its existing Mem&Arts would be necessary to accommodate all parties.

All parties wish to see a closer and more inclusive relationship between the RSGB and RAYNET. To this end, the RSGB Board has suggested that RAYNET could be treated as a special interest group much like AMSAT-UK.

There is a strong desire to ensure that RAYNET remains fit for purpose and that RAYNET represents the views of all of those involved in emergency communications throughout the UK.

Draft proposals are being formulated and will be published shortly. The JWG will again invite comments on the draft documentation as part of its consultation process.

Category: RSGB Notices