Also in GB2RS this week…

| March 24, 2016

In the April issue of RadCom, reference was made to GB2RS news reading in Northern Ireland within the GB2RS report. It suggested that there were no news readers there or in the Isle of Man. The GB2RS Manager, G3VBA, would like to apologise for the error as there are a number of excellent news readers in Northern Ireland, some of whom have been reading the news for many years. There are, however, no news readers yet on the Isle of Man. Apologies to all those news readers in Northern Ireland, and our grateful thanks for their service to the amateur radio community.

A new video has been released by the European Space Agency showing a summary of astronaut Tim Peake’s Principia mission so far.

On the 21st of March the UBSEDS14 balloon, launched by University of Bristol students, completed its circumnavigation of the Northern Hemisphere. During the flight, at an altitude of about 11.5km, the balloon transmitted telemetry data at 4 minute intervals using Contestia 16/1000 on 434.600MHz USB, with an output power of just 3mW. Each telemetry packet was preceded by 10 seconds of 1Hz pips for manual alignment and a RSID tone for automatic alignment with suitable software. Additionally the payload had the capability for 144MHz APRS.

An initial meeting for all those interested in Broadband-Hamnet, a system of digital communications on the amateur microwave bands, will be held on 22 May at the HQ of Crawley Amateur Radio Club. The organisers hope to attract attendees from across the country. There will be presentations, demonstrations and open discussions. Please contact Ted, G4ELM, via email to to receive a copy of the agenda and to let him know if you plan to attend.

Two important consultations close at the end of March. These concern the future of the three UK 5MHz beacons, GB3RAL, GB3WES and GB3ORK, and input to the papers for the April IARU Region 1 interim meeting. Comments from all UK amateurs are invited via the RSGB consultation forums, which includes guidance and links to the papers.

Category: GB2RS Headlines