Also in GB2RS this week…

| October 2, 2015

At 0448UTC on 27 September, an automatic bot gained access to the IOTA website database and was able to exploit a bug in the IOTA code in order to reset the password for every user on the site. There is no sign in the system logs that any data was read or that personal data was compromised. Once the IT team was aware of the issue, they immediately took the database offline for analysis and corrected the bug. User passwords are stored in a hashed format in the database, not in plain text. In accordance with best practice, however, the team would like to encourage all users of the IOTA website to change their passwords. Additionally, if you have used your IOTA password on other websites, you should also change the passwords on those sites. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact

The second edition of RadCom Plus is now available online to RSGB Members from the RSGB website. We received several requests to provide a version that can be downloaded and read offline and we are thus publishing this edition in two formats—the original flip version which also allows for a copy to be printed—and an EPUB version. Subjects covered in this second edition are a position reporting system using WSJT weak signal data modes, an all-digital PAL vectorscope, a high grade remote antenna switch and an HF multimode beacon. Issue three will be available in the New Year. Article submissions for RadCom and RadCom Plus are most welcome, please email

The Radio Amateurs Emergency Network and RSGB formed a joint working group in 2014 to encourage a closer working relationship between the two organisations and to explore ways in which RAYNET could become a single unified body. In the consultation that followed, the vast majority of responses supported a move to one organisation in the UK concentrating on emergency communications. Draft proposals to achieve this are being formulated and will be published shortly for consultation. For further information, see RSGB Notices on the RSGB website.

The RSGB Convention takes place next weekend, the 9th to 11th, at Kent’s Hill Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. Visitors may be interested to know that the IET will be represented in the Exhibitors’ Lounge. The IET is the professional society for the engineering and technology community, with more than 150,000 members in 127 countries and their representatives are looking forward to meeting delegates at the Convention. DXCC card checking will be available courtesy of the ARRL, and US exams will take place on the 11th. If you are interested in the US exams, please email as soon as possible. Go to for all the latest information.

The Amateur Radio Observation Service (AROS) has an important role as it works behind the scenes, largely independent of the rest of the RSGB, to assist radio amateurs and others to investigate reports of licence infringements and poor operating that might bring the hobby into disrepute. The service is seeking a deputy coordinator who will work closely with the coordinator to support and organise any investigation carried out by the group of observers and liaise directly with Ofcom. A good working knowledge of amateur radio is needed, along with a discreet but objective approach to problem solving and issue resolution, and a track record of good interpersonal skills. Applications by CV, or expressions of interest, should be sent to Graham Coomber, G0NBI, General Manager, via email to or by mail to 3 Abbey Court, Fraser Road, Priory Business Park, Bedford MK44 3WH, to arrive by 30 November. AROS Coordinator Mark Jones, G0MGX would also welcome informal inquiries via

Due to a problem on the iTunes site the weekly GB2RS News bulletin podcast stopped being searchable on iTunes about a month ago. Subscribers to the podcast still received editions but new subscribers could not find the programme. Ed, DD5LP has worked with Apple to rectify this fault and now, once again, searching for GB2RS in the Apple iTunes store will take you to the weekly RSGB amateur radio news broadcast from the UK read by Jeremy, G4NJH.

Category: GB2RS Headlines