Also in GB2RS this week…
Ofcom has published a statement (50-page/297KB PDF) giving effect to policy decisions to extend recognised spectrum access for receive-only earth stations to two new frequency bands. These are ground based terminals that are used to receive signals from meteorological satellites, earth exploration satellites and space missions, but do not transmit. This now extends to the 7850-7900MHz band and the 25.5-26.5GHz band and will come into force on 10 July.
The CISPR 11 standard with the catchy title of Industrial, Scientific and Medical Equipment—Radio Disturbance Characteristics—Limits and Methods of Measurement covers power electronic devices such as solar inverters. Although there were voltage limits for conducted emissions at the mains port in the past, limits for the connections to the solar cells were missing. After a positive vote of the international standard bodies, CISPR 11 Ed.6.0 is about to appear officially. In this new version, limits finally apply for the DC terminals, in particular for systems up to 2kVA in residential environments. These limits are 74dBµV between 500kHz and 30MHz. The IARU has worked with the standardisation bodies over the last five years to achieve this but the work in terms of photovoltaic does not end here. With the current limit, however, a reasonable protection for short wave reception has already been achieved. Ofcom have published details on their website.
Ofcom has published a policy on temporary callsigns and callsign enhancements and the subject was discussed at a recent meeting between the RSGB and Ofcom. The RSGB has asked for clarification about two issues. The first is that all clubs in England must now use the Regional Secondary Locator X in the callsign at all times, although this would appear to differ from the licence conditions. The second point is that the structure of temporary callsigns for special events is such that some very recent approvals do not follow the policy and, as written, this will restrict Ofcom’s ability to accommodate some requests in future. For example, G100RSGB would not now be allowed. Ofcom agreed to look again at these points but, nevertheless, the policy is now a public document and thus in force. The RSGB will report any further communication from Ofcom.
Category: GB2RS Headlines