Latest RSGB Convention news

| July 4, 2014

The RSGB Convention takes place on 10 to 12 October at Kent’s Hill, Milton Keynes. There are some very exciting lectures and workshops planned. Following his talk on surface mount devices, Dave Powis, G4HUP will be running a practical workshop through the day where you can assemble one of his introductory SMD kits, such as the panoramic adapter tap or latching relay driver, and use the reflow oven to solder the parts on the board. Details of how to book your slot during the day will be available closer to the event. Another popular lecturer who is returning to the Convention is Dr Colin Forsyth, a Research Associate in the Space Plasma Physics Group at the UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory. His talk this year, entitled Alphabet Soup: The Science Behind Space Weather Indices, will explain how the complex interaction between the Sun and the Earth gives rise to the highly variable and charged layer in the atmosphere known as the ionosphere. Weekend packages that can be tailored to the individual’s needs are available from the RSGB website at

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