Archive for April, 2014

Emergency Communications Committee Chairman

| April 28, 2014

Charlie Morrison GI4FUE has recently stood down from the post of chairman of the Emergency Communications Committee. The Board would like to record its thanks to Charlie for all his past works in promoting emergency communications on behalf of the Society. The Emergency Communications Committee is tasked with raising the profile of RSGB Raynet, fostering […]

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Board Proceedings – April meeting

| April 28, 2014

  The proceedings of the meeting of the RSGB Board held on 11th April 2014 are now available to Members

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New Training Resources Webpage

| April 28, 2014

The RSGB website now has a new webpage designed to provide a comprehensive list of useful training resources for both trainers and students Anyone wishing to add further links or material should contact Steve Hartley G0FUW –

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Repeater insurance notice

| April 25, 2014

The 2014/15 premium for Repeater insurance is £13 per Repeater. If you have registered interest already then you do not need to do anything else. You will be contacted for payment and a copy of the certificate will be forwarded to you. If you have not registered your interest—by e-mailing—a cover note is in […]

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KickSat deployed – stand by for Sprites

| April 25, 2014

The Kickstarter-funded KickSat satellite is safely in orbit after its deployment on 17 April. Operating at an altitude of around 335km, an internal timer is currently counting down to release the dozens of Sprite micro-satellites that form its payload. This is due to occur around 2000 GMT on Sunday 4 May. KickSat transmits 1W of […]

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TX-Factor to podcast GB2RS

| April 25, 2014

The popular new video streaming show TX-Factor is to begin podcasting GB2RS News on a weekly basis, starting with this edition. TX News is a new service that allows users to stream the news file or have it emailed automatically every week. Full information can be found at

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