Centenary VHF/UHF Award

VHF/UHF Bands 6m, 4m, 2m and 70cm may be used in according to your licence conditions.

Each VHF/UHF Award uses contacts with the

  • Regional SES Gx100RSGB in each of the 13 Regions
  • 42 UK Locator Squares
  • 24 UK IOTA Islands
  • 7 UK DXCC Countries

Basic VHF/UHF Award

Basic requires the claimant to have accumulated 75 points, scored on the basis of 1 point per QSO with any UK Locator Squares, UK IOTA Islands and UK DXCC Countries on any mix of bands, and must include QSOs with the Regional SES on at least 3 different Region/Band combinations. Some QSO’s will obviously score more than a single point, e.g. the first QSO with a station in England would gain a point for a new UK Locator Square, a point for a new UK DXCC Country, and a point for a new UK IOTA island, thus scoring a total of 3 points for that QSO. If that station was the SES, then a further point could be claimed, bringing the total to 4 points. Provision has been made in the entry spreadsheet to mark each scoring QSO with the appropriate identifiers for Region, Locator, IOTA or DXCC score.

Gold VHF/UHF Award

The Gold Award requires the claimant to have accumulated 150 points, as for the Basic award, but including QSOs with the Regional SES in at least 6 different Regions/Bands.

Scoring guidance