Terms of Reference


The ARDF committee promotes and organises the sport of Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) using the IARU rules, on behalf of the RSGB.

Main Activities

1. Organizes ARDF activities within the United Kingdom.
2. Promotes the ARDF as an activity to all skill levels from beginner to international competitor.
3. Manages the loan of ARDF equipment so that affiliated clubs and youth organisations can run local ARDF events.
4. Builds awareness of ARDF technologies and promotes the development of new equipment.
5. Provides the RSGB representative on the IARU Region 1 ARDF Working Group.


The ARDF Committee shall consist of a Chair appointed by the Board of the RSGB, and up to eight full members appointed by the chair. One member shall be serve as the vice-chair of the committee. In addition, no more than six corresponding members may be appointed by the chair.
A quorum shall comprise one half of the number of full members of the committee rounded down to a whole number. Only full members have formal voting rights. The chair has a casting vote.