ARDF Manager – Help

Adding an ARDF Event

ARDF Events can be added to the RSGB Events Site in exactly the same way as other events. See the For Managers pages (including the Creating a Location and Creating an Event help pages). Decide which of the event details apply to the location, and put those details in the Location rather than the Event.

In the Location:

  • Put a useful short entry in the “Travel Hints” field.
  • The other special Location fields can usually be left blank.

In the Event:

  • The ARDF Competitions category should be selected.
  • The “Event Code” field can be used to indicate the bands being used. (e.g. “144/3.5”)
  • The “Sponsor” and “Organizer” fields should have useful short entries, as they will appear in the appropriate columns in the table of events on the main ARDF Events page. (e.g. “RSGB” might be entered in “Sponsor”, and a callsign entered in “Organizer”.)
  • the “Event Status” might be set to one of the available options, or left empty.

When the event and location have been published, check that they display properly in the table of events on the ARDF Events page.

Entering ARDF Results

The tables of results for an event should first be prepared in a spreadsheet program, and then saved individually as CSV files, one table of results to each file. Give the files useful detailed names without any spaces (put hyphens or underscores where spaces might be). Once the tables have been prepared and uploaded, a post can be entered to display the results.

Upload the Results Tables

  • Go to the Dashboard and look for the “TablePress” option in the side-bar.
  • Select the “TablePress” “Import a Table” option to upload your results “.csv” files. Please remember to give it a sensible name which conforms to the site’s file naming conventions before you upload it.

ARDF_SwinleyForest_2m_7Tx_21-01-2012.csv is a good name.
    • Latest results.csv is not. (The Style Guide explains why.)
  • When the results table has been uploaded it can be edited. Leave the Table Name as the file name, but enter some descriptive information in the Description field. Below the panel containing the table values are panels which offer “Table Manipulation”, “Table Options” and “Features of the DataTables JavaScript Library”.
  • In the “Table Options” panel the “Table Head Row” and “Alternating Row Colors” options should be ticked, and the “Print Table Description” option might be useful sometimes. The rest should be un-ticked.
  • In the “Features of the DataTables JavaScript Library” panel, tick the “Use Data Tables” option if any of the options below make sense. Then select the useful options. “Sorting” is the one most likely to be useful, but only for results where there is one row per competitor, not for splits when there may be several rows for each competitor.
  • Remember to click the “Save Changes” button.

The table can now be included in a post or page using its shortcode, which will look something like this:

[table id=23 /]

The ID is the number assigned to the table by TablePress, and is shown in the first column of the list of tables.

Entering the Results and Splits posts

Now that the results tables have been entered you need a post in which to display them.

  • Look in the top WP bar for the “+ New” drop-down, and select “Post” from it. You will be taken to the editor.
  • Enter a title in the Title field.
  • Choose the “ARDF Results” category for the post if it contains the main results for an event, and the “ARDF Splits” category if it will contain split times or other such details.
  • Use the editor to enter the event report. Use table shortcodes (mentioned in the previous section) or the Visual Editor’s “Insert a Table from TablePress” button to place tables in the post.
  • In the “Solostream Options” panel you may wish to set the “Suppress Automatic Thumbnail Placement on This Post” to “Yes” to avoid having thumbnails appear in the list of posts.
  • Save your work as a Draft, Submit it for review, or Publish it (depending on your user level).

Once the posts have been published, check that they appear in the ARDF Results index, and in the “Latest ARDF Results” side-bar.

Adding ARDF Updates

ARDF Updates are posted on the main RSGB site, not on the Events Site.

  • Go to the main RSGB site.
  • On the main RSGB site, look in the top WP bar for the “+ New” drop-down, and select “Post” from it. You will be taken to the editor.
  • Enter a title in the Title field.
  • Choose the “ARDF Updates” category for the post.
  • Use the editor to enter the brief updates note.
  • Save your work as a Draft, Submit it for review, or Publish it (depending on your user level).

Once the update has been published, check that it appears in the ARDF Updates index, and in the “Latest ARDF Updates” side-bar on the main ARDF page.