RSSPortal News

Amateurs help disaster relief in Serbia

Amateurs help disaster relief in Serbia

| May 23, 2014

The Serbian Radio Association is carrying out disaster relief communications in flooded areas

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AM nets to mark D-Day landings

AM nets to mark D-Day landings

| May 23, 2014

On Friday June 6, to mark the 70th anniversary of the Allied D-Day landings in Normandy, the Vintage and Military Amateur Radio Society are organising amplitude modulation radio nets on 80m, 60m and 40m for operators of vintage military wireless sets that would have been in use at that time

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Horizon balloon chosen to promote maths and science

Horizon balloon chosen to promote maths and science

| May 23, 2014

The UK Department for Education has selected the Horizon balloon project to feature in the department’s Yourlife campaign to promote studies in math and science

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Happy 100th Birthday, ARRL

Happy 100th Birthday, ARRL

| May 16, 2014

The American Amateur Radio Relay League was formed on 18 May 1914, exactly 100 years ago on Sunday, and the RSGB sends its fraternal congratulations. By coincidence, Sunday is the final day of the Dayton Hamvention, where ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN, and Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ, will host a party, complete with […]

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KickSat burns up without deploying Sprites

KickSat burns up without deploying Sprites

| May 16, 2014

KickSat, the KickStarter-funded amateur satellite project, has re-entered and burned up in the Earth’s atmosphere without releasing its payload of Sprite micro-satellites. The satellite suffered an unexpected computer glitch on 30 April that caused the deployment countdown timer to reset. It proved impossible to correct the problem, meaning the timer did not trigger in time […]

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Sign up for the Advanced distance learning course

Sign up for the Advanced distance learning course

| May 16, 2014

Enrolment is about to start for the next Advanced distance learning course run by the Bath-based team. The course will run from July and work towards the December exam. Weekly work packages will be delivered using the Edmodo virtual learning environment. Remote tutor support will be available throughout the course and lots of revision questions […]

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Bletchley Park Free Admission Voucher

Bletchley Park Free Admission Voucher

| May 12, 2014

From 12th May, RSGB Members are entitled to free admission to the world famous Bletchley Park heritage site and tourist attraction—as well as entry to the RSGB National Radio Centre—on production of a voucher. Please click here for more information.

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FUNcube-2 set for July launch

FUNcube-2 set for July launch

| May 10, 2014

The FUNcube team have received confirmation that UKube-1, which is hosting the FUNcube-2 payload, remains scheduled for a Soyuz launch on 19 June. The team do not, as yet, have any lift-off times or orbital data for this launch but will make these available as soon as possible. It is believed that, immediately after deployment […]

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2014 IARU conference papers available

2014 IARU conference papers available

| May 10, 2014

Papers for the 2014 IARU conference are now available on the IARU Region 1 website, The RSGB invites all amateurs to contribute to a consultation on the papers, which will inform its input at the conference in September. The consultation forum can be accessed via the front page of the RSGB website,

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Canadian amateurs gain 472kHz allocation

Canadian amateurs gain 472kHz allocation

| May 10, 2014

Radio amateurs in Canada have a new allocation at 472 to 479kHz. The 7kHz of spectrum is available to amateurs on a secondary basis. Canadian amateurs also recently gained an allocation at 5MHz.

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